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Off-Grid Living: Can You With Kids

Living off the grid involves making a deliberate decision to be self-sufficient and promote sustainability. Embracing this lifestyle requires sacrificing certain modern conveniences, such as producing your own electricity or growing your own food. What does this mean for individuals who opt for off-grid living with children? Here are the key considerations to keep in mind.

The Sun is your alarm clock

When you don't have access to modern conveniences like city streets, paved roads, electric lighting, motorized transportation, and fast food restaurants open around the clock, your daily routine is dictated mainly by the changing seasons. That may mean waking up with the sun during certain times of the year. It will be difficult to obtain extra rest or stay up late. Think of it like being on a camping trip, just, well, always! However, most off-grid parents are exhausted by night, and you cannot do much about your children's circadian cycles adjusting to the sunlight and sunset. So, get in tune with the Sun!

No media influence

Parental anxiety about their children's technological reliance has been increasingly common in recent decades. Screens are ubiquitous, yet the content they often display isn't necessarily positive or safe for consumption. One evident advantage of off-grid living with kids is that media has little to no impact on off-grid households. Without a gadget set up by mom and dad before leaving the Wi-Fi range, kids have nothing but the outdoors (and maybe some toys) to keep them occupied. The kids probably won't like it (at least not at first), but it's in their best interest. Ensure you communicate openly with your kids to ease their fears of moving. And you'd be surprised at what youngsters with some freedom to explore may come up with if they don't have the choice of technology to occupy their time!

Living off-grid with kids is an endless adventure

Children who grow up off-grid are taught to take risks at an early age. Nearly all activities undertaken by families living off-grid carry some danger, but they may also be exciting new experiences. It's not horrible that kids who grow up off the grid have a head start in learning to take calculated risks. That is why living off-grid is the future!And what youngster doesn't want some time spent in nature unrestrained? The thrill of the natural life may rub off on parents, too, and the whole family may take up more risky pursuits than they otherwise would in the suburbs. Being out in the open air is essential for everyone's health.

Cleanliness can be an issue

Are you going off the grid? Don't even think of putting on another white T-shirt again. Kids playing outside or chasing after animals can guarantee dirtier results than you ever thought possible. Parents who choose to go off the grid should prepare themselves for the inevitable mess their children will make, even more so if you have a garden! After packing and moving gardening tools, if you choose to teach your kids about gardening basics, expect a mess! Therefore, get your tools ready and your washing equipment, too! And even if you manage to get a washer set up, not every stain can be removed, no matter how much effort is expended.

School time 

In the middle of the woods, there is no public school. It's not a negative thing for many households. Homeschooling is very common in the suburbs, and several reasons exist. Off the grid, however, is your only option. While homeschooling is legal in every state, the requirements for proving that your children receive an education vary widely. So, you need to do some research before embarking on this journey.

Prepare for tight space

A three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bathroom home is too much to ask for when living in the wilderness. Instead, more frequently than not, you're staring at a yurt where the whole family shares a single, large room. You can even get indoor plumbing if you're lucky. That's right. The entire family must cram into a minimal indoor space whether they have one child or five. Having a baby makes it even more likely that you'll be cooped up inside during bad weather and general gloom. You'll have to get used to pacing the floor because that's all the room you'll have to move about.

There won't be as much socialization

The idea of isolation and social isolation is not why any family would choose to live off the grid. In truth, many people relocate to the countryside to escape annoying neighbors. But, friendships are more likely to flourish with those who are physically close to you. In addition, the pickings are likely low, especially for families in more remote locations. Families may live in the area, but that won't affect whether or not the children in the neighborhood become friends. There isn't much room for excuses when canceling arrangements or saying you're too busy. You'd better get accustomed to having those rowdy next-door neighbors as your best friends!

People can judge you

There are many stories of child services finding families and initiating legal actions due to issues such as the children's living environment, food, etc. The unique challenge for off-the-grid households is that they may be targeted for their lifestyle choices. Others may look down on you for living in a house that doesn't have modern conveniences like running water, electricity, or a functional toilet. That is because not many people know what off-the-grid living looks like!And that's why it's not uncommon for parents to risk losing custody of their children because they choose to live their lives their way. So, you have to be careful!

Final words

Off-grid living with kids provides a wealth of benefits. Because of all you'll be going through as a family. You'll become closer to your kids. They will grow more connected to nature and enjoy a fulfilling and stress-free childhood. 

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