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Have you Considered Raw Land as an Investment?

Own your piece of raw land today! Low maintenance, long-term value, and low property taxes make it the perfect investment. It's a blank canvas for your dreams. Starting at just $5k or $150/month

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Written By: Our Land Experts at

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How To Improve Your Land and Add Value

Having ownership of a piece of raw land grants you the freedom to transform it as you wish, while adhering to the zoning regulations and your financial resources. Whether your vision involves building a modest cottage, a spacious house, or something in between, the power to enhance and develop the land lies in your hands.

If you are considering enhancing raw land, there are various cost-effective methods to achieve this beyond constructing a new home. Simple enhancements can significantly increase its market value.

  • If possible, tour your land with an architect. You can hire a landscape architect as it can help you determine what’d be suitable for building spots on your raw land so you can have focus as you go through the process of improvement.

  • It is advisable to conduct a land survey to obtain a map from surveyors that clearly delineates the boundaries and identifies any potential issues that could impede construction. For example, if neighbors have an easement to cross your property, the survey will mark the designated area. Additionally, surveyors typically mark the locations of nearby utilities, which can be advantageous. They can also indicate access points to public roads adjacent to your property.

  • Arrange a meeting with the zoning commission or the local planning department to understand any zoning restrictions that may impact your building plans. You will need their approval before commencing any construction.

  • Ensure that your land is suitable for construction by conducting necessary tests. Depending on the location and type of land, environmental testing may be required to assess its cleanliness and safety. Soil compaction testing is essential to determine if the land can support the weight of your building, while percolation testing is crucial for installing a septic system.

  • Prepare your land for construction by clearing vegetation and potentially undertaking earth-moving activities to create a suitable foundation for your house. This may involve constructing roads and driveways as well.

  • Engage architects to assist in designing your property in compliance with local building codes. Once the plans are finalized, collaborate with your architect to submit them to the community's building department and obtain the necessary building permits.

  • Engage reputable local utility providers, such as sewer, water, communication, electric, and gas companies, to ensure access to essential services for your land. If your raw land is distant from existing connections, it may be cost-effective to establish your utilities, such as digging a well for water, installing a septic system for sewage, and utilizing wind or solar power for electricity. For heating needs, alternative fuels like propane can be considered.

Although the DIY approach for improving raw land is a good idea, it’s always wise to hire a licensed and qualified contractor to construct your house.

How Can I Make Very Basic Land Improvements, Cheaply!

Something as simple as clearing the land before selling can add thousands to your value. Taking a week with some friends and family, cutting down the trees, clearing brush and taking some photos for selling purposes can do wonders. We have talked with agents many times, they would tell us they could sell our land for $30k, but if you pay $1k to clear it, it could go as high as $45k. We have heard this a few times. Some other ideas you can do that will increase the sale price.

  • Make a Campsite

  • Put up a Fence

  • Get a Land Survey

  • Add Water or Sewer

  • Get a Building Permit

  • Request Power to the Land

Is a land survey necessary?

A land survey is not necessary but recommended if you are going to build on your land. A land survey can help prevent easement issues, land encroachment, utility issues and zoning classifications. If you plan on doing any improvements, even cutting down brush, make sure it's okay with the county first.

Is it worth improving land for value?

Improving land, meaning doing the work to clear it, level it or add some structure like fencing can increase the value of the land. However, that doesn't always mean you will get more money for it. If the land is not desirable, these improvements may go unnoticed. But in the same way fixing up a home increases value, so can improving the land. Clearing a heavily wooded lot is a good example, with nice open space a buyer will be able to visualize their use for the land way easier. And you can even make money selling the wood!

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