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Clearing Your Land: 5 Crucial Things to Know First

Guess what? Today is the big day! Time to conquer your land! All set with your tools and your trusty sidekicks by your side. But just as you start chopping down that first tree, out of nowhere, a fleet of cop cars screech to a halt, armed to the teeth, and haul you all off to jail. Just kidding! Well, kind of... Remember, folks, it's all fun and games until the law shows up. So, make sure to do your homework, check with the county, and know what you're getting into before you go all Lumberjack Joe on your property!

Sizing up the situation ahead of you is a must before you start. It all depends on the area though, some counties don't really care and many people go rogue without issues. They just do it, or cut a road or put an RV there without asking and never have issue. But to be on the safe side of the law, know these 5 things before clearing your land.

1. Defying County Rules: A Losing Battle

So, you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why - the land improvement police are coming to town! Some counties are like nosy neighbors, peeking over your fence to see what you're up to. They might not care if you trim a few bushes, but start digging a hole or cutting trees and you'll be in deep trouble, literally! If you accidentally strike a water pipe, well, let's just say your wallet will be feeling a lot lighter.

Before you start clearing your land, it's wise to do some reconnaissance. Visit your county's building department or give them a call. They probably have a whole rulebook on what's allowed and what's not. And if your brilliant idea isn't in their book, just pretend to be curious and ask. No need to raise any red flags, just play dumb and get the scoop. Stay one step ahead of the law, my friend!

2. Discovering My Family Tree: A Humorous Revelation

Listen up, folks! Depending on your whereabouts, you gotta pay attention to some super-duper important stuff. Believe it or not, there are places out there that guard some seriously special trees with a fancy history. There you are fancy-pants, a new homeowner in a swanky neighborhood, you decided to chop down a couple of trees on your property. Now, this neighborhood is so posh that you need a permission slip just to take a stroll, but you're a rebels and didn't care. Well, guess what? You have a day in court and owe more moolah than you can shake a stick at just for that little tree-chopping escapade. In fact, that tree was so old and protected that your email box is full of 400 angry tree huggers too.

Overall, it's pretty rare but does happen, it's wise to have a chat with the county. Inquire about any tree bodyguards, secret squirrel zones, or any other wacky rules you might not be clued in on yet.

3. Did You Think About Rain At All


Oh boy, we've got a real doozy here! You newly cleared land just turned into a mudslide extravaganza, with your neighbor's house joining the party downhill. Yep, water erosion is no joke. Those plants and trees are the unsung heroes holding the fort, keeping the ground from turning into a slippery mess. So, if you go all Paul Bunyan and start clearing stuff willy-nilly, watch out! Next thing you know, the rain's throwing a wild house party on your property, taking bits and pieces with it. This is especially crucial for you hillside dwellers, but hey, even flatlanders need to be on their toes. You gotta plan ahead, folks! Don't let a surprise storm turn your dirt into a waterpark. Make sure that H2O knows where to go when the sky starts falling.

4. Urgent Alert: Police En Route this Time

So, unless you're prepared to play a real-life game of underground roulette with the city water pipe, gas line, or power cables, you might want to do some digging - pun intended - to uncover what's lurking beneath your precious land. Trust me, accidentally puncturing a pipe and turning your property into a makeshift swimming pool is not the best way to make friends with your neighbors. You'll have half the county knocking on your door faster than you can say "oops!" And yes, some power goes underground, so don't die either.

One way to avoid this chaotic scenario is by getting your hands on the secret treasure map of ground lines from the county. You can also arm yourself with fancy tools that can sniff out hidden treasures underground. But hey, remember, a little more Sherlock Holmes detective work wouldn't hurt before you start your underground adventure. Good luck, treasure hunter!

5. Moving Beyond Fear

So, after surviving those dreadful scenarios, it's totally normal to have a smidge of anxiety about what's to come. When it's time to kick things off, you've likely come across the saying "Work smarter, not harder." Translation: let the machines and tools do the heavy lifting when it comes to sprucing up your land. Trust me, some tools and machines are worth renting because it would take a small army to accomplish what you and a machine can do in a jiffy.

But fear not, beautifying your land can significantly boost its value. It's totally worth it and usually not as dreadful or challenging as we made it to be. Plus, it's a thrilling project - sure, it can get physical at times, but hey, you'll sleep like a baby at the end of the day. And even if you end up needing a crew, it's still a blast because you're the mastermind behind the masterpiece. The sky's the limit, have fun!

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