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Top 10 Benefit's of Living Off Grid

Thinking of Living off the Grid? Well, you are not alone and in fact it can be better then you ever thought. Back in the day, people considered those living off the grid a bit weird. Like a hermit out doing his weird thing. But with technology, you can still have power, hot water, internet, phone and pretty much anything someone on the grid has.

Benefits of Living off the Grid

1. Extremely low expenses

By living on the grid as most do, you are not only dependent on your city power, city water, trash pickup and sewage lines. Not only that buy you pay monthly for all of it. Although there are some costs to setting up properly off the grid it’s worth it in the long run. For power solar is one of the best options and solar is changing by the moment. It’s becoming extremely more efficient and even Tesla has some unique improvements on the way. Water using a catchment tank is really actually great! If you're in an area with lots of rain you can basically have zero water expense. If you’re not in a great rainfall area there are many water truck companies that will come and fill it up on a schedule for you. There are ways to solar purify the water as well making it safe to drink, also heating options for your showers. Trash and sewage have several options like septic tank and creating compost with your waste.

2. Beyond Government Assistance

World politics and dependability on financial markets can defiantly be something to worry about. A lot of have had it good for a long time if you think about it, but that was not always the case. Strange things can happen if the world changed out of nowhere, being dependent on something that could crash for millions of people is a real fear. The panic for food, water and warmth would cause absolute chaos. However, living off the grid you could still have everything you need.

3. Living Mortgage-Free

Given you can buy some cheap land you could build a home for quite cheap. Living off the grid land is usually way cheaper than being on the grid. Plus you can get more acreage for a cheaper price and even find areas without building restrictions.

4. Political freedom

A lot of the cheaper land can be almost complete free of any county issues and rules if found in the right area. The show in Alaska is a good example where the people filmed are so far away from areas they are basically free from government. There could be a complete government collapse and it wouldn’t even change their life. Kinda cool!

5. Minimizing Impact on the Planet

Living off the grid entails a lifestyle that significantly reduces one's environmental impact, leading to a smaller carbon footprint. By disconnecting from mainstream utilities and embracing self-sufficiency, individuals can greatly minimize their energy consumption and waste production. This choice not only benefits the planet but also offers a sense of tranquility and fulfillment to those who opt for this alternative way of living. The peace of mind that comes from being less dependent on external resources and living a simpler life is invaluable.

6. The Pursuit of Joy

Does anyone really like the rat race deep down? We live in a consumerism frenzy of a world at this point in time. Stress from this grind and working most of your life actually can end up killing people early due to stress and unhealthy lifestyles. Imagine having such low expenses you could do alternative things besides the rat race grind. I think a lot of people would be much happier working on their home and garden while doing some sort of part time job if they needed.

7. Achieving Self-Sufficiency

Living in a city where convenience is at the forefront, it's easy to fall into the habit of outsourcing tasks that require a bit of handiness. However, there is a unique satisfaction that comes from being able to fix things on your own. By taking the time to learn basic repair skills, you not only save money but also gain a sense of independence and self-reliance. Embracing a DIY approach to maintenance and repairs can be empowering, allowing you to tackle unexpected issues with confidence. Whether it's fixing a leaky faucet, repairing a broken appliance, or even just assembling furniture, each new skill you acquire adds to your toolkit of abilities. Why not take the initiative to become more self-sufficient and capable? With a bit of practice and patience, you'll soon find yourself enjoying the rewards of being handy in various aspects of your life.

8. Teaching Future Generations

So adults say kids these days just stay inside, play video games and watch TV…”We used to go outside and play!”. We have all heard this I bet and it’s quite true. Imagine your child coming out with all the skills to be self sufficient. Once you learn how to maintain your home and be self sufficient off the land you will naturally teach future generations. This also doesn’t mean your child has to be uneducated, there are several programs for learning and events you can go into town and socialize if wanted.

9. Transform Your Health

Living off the grid is a lifestyle choice that often involves embracing self-sufficiency and sustainability. For those who choose this path, it usually means committing to physical labor and hands-on activities like growing your own food. By cultivating a garden and raising livestock, such as chickens for eggs or other animals for meat, individuals can not only ensure a fresh and healthy food supply but also reduce their reliance on external sources.

One of the key benefits of living off the grid is the opportunity to connect with nature and engage in physical work that promotes a sense of well-being. Tending to a garden, caring for animals, and managing a homestead require dedication and hard work, but they also offer a unique sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Moreover, the act of growing your own food allows you to have a deeper appreciation for the natural cycles of life and a greater understanding of where your food comes from.

10. Strategies to Get Ahead Financially

If your plan to live off the grid and work imagine how much you can save. There are many ways to work off the internet nowadays, or you can go into town an hour or so a day and do some work. If your plan is to live off the grid somewhat local in the city in a homestead setting you can really pull ahead financially to reach your goals in life.

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